Monday, June 13, 2011

Sweet Home, Fort Worth.

Well, I'm here. I'm in Texas. Living on my own.
In fact, I've been here for over three weeks. Sorry for the lack of updates since arriving! Most of that is due to the complete lack of a working internet connection.

My first two weeks were pretty uneventful. I explored my old hometown and just relaxed (spending most of my time at a fantastic coffee shop that my mom told me to check out). After about four or five days of doing that, I got pretty bored. Last week, however, was anything but boring. This summer, I'm working with a children's ministry for a one week conference that I've been doing for the past 7 years. Last week was the week where the team gets together and builds sets, has band practices, works on any media projects, and so much more. So basically, I was getting up at 5:30 am every day and going to bed at about 1 am. As much as I loved it, it got quite tiring to only be getting a little less than 5 hours of sleep every day for a week.

So now I'm back at my favorite little coffee shop, enjoying some dinner and just waiting to see someone I know walk through the door (it always happens). And somehow, I've been put to work writing a skit for my old youth group (that I never even planned on attending again). However, every idea I get seems to fail miserably. I really hate working on these things by's way more fun to go back and forth with ideas. But it's all good.

I've felt like I've been creatively drained lately. Good ideas have decided to play hide and seek with me...and I'm terrible at playing hide and seek. It's not cool. At all. You would think that moving to a new state away from your parents would help with writers block, but apparently not.

If anyone happens to find the creative side of my brain, please let me know. That would be awesome.

I got to babysit some of my favorite little girls a few days after I got here.

From the first day of band practice. This year, I'm singing AND playing guitar. We'll see how this goes...

Got to hang out with my friend Katie that I haven't seen since I was about 6 or 7 :)

Got to hang out with my best friend for the first time in years.
I missed her bunches.

Okay dudes. I'm done.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Today Consists Of...

  • Introducing my soon-to-be-neighbor (she's in the room next to me this fall...woot!) to Chick-Fil-A. How has she survived this long without an icedream cone? Good lord.

  • Another thrifting adventure (by myself this to find the last pieces for my 80's outfit for the party on thursday.

  • I'm going to make one more attempt to get through the weirdness of my old youth group. Everyone is so young.

So basically, today is going to be an interesting day...and I only have a quarter tank of gas left. I'm not seeing much air conditioning in my near future.