Monday, July 26, 2010

Poultry Sciences

Today, I visited another college. Not a bad campus - but not the one for me. As I was on the tour, God started speaking to me about certain aspects of my future.

I will not be attending SCAD. Although it seemed like the perfect college for me at first, as the months have progressed, it's become more clear that arts school is not where I'm supposed to be. That's where it gets interesting - if not photography, what will I do with my life? There are so many options. In fact, there's a Poultry Sciences major at the college I looked at today. Though I wouldn't be studying that program, the possibilities it presents are interesting to think about.

Life will be interesting in the coming months.
God has it planned.
Life is good.


Sunday, July 25, 2010

I'm back!

I'm home - finally back in Texas.
Everything here seems so peaceful.
I love it here.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Just Let The Love, Love, Love Begin.

Words cannot even begin to express how many meanings this song has to me right now.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Forgiveness and Love.

Forgiveness and love. Two things I've been struggling with recently. Due to certain circumstances, I've lost trust in one of my friends that I've been confiding in for the past few years. I will not go into detail, but basically, it broke my heart. Ever since I found out about certain things that happened, it's taken control over my life. Random things will remind me of things that were said or done, and it's driving me insane. Yes, I've forgiven the person, but it doesn't change the fact that what happened just does not want to leave me. I've tried laying things aside and "starting fresh", but not with much progress. Even on beautiful days such as today, the thoughts from a seemingly small and childish problem, weighed in big on my heart.

I'm not sure why I wrote this post.
I don't have some answer on how to solve this problem. In fact, I have no idea how this is all going to work out.

I'm done.

Way Up There.

Let me start this post with a warning - I am not a writer.
I usually leave the writing part of life to people who actually enjoy it. However, after one of my lovely friends decided to start blogging again, I got inspired.

And here we are.

I honestly have no idea what (or if) I will be posting here, but I was just setting up the account in case I randomly get the urge to write.

Love you!