Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Thrifting Haul

A little while ago, I decided to venture out to the goodwill that's about 15 minutes from my house.
I am SO glad I did.

Item One
Scarf from Old Navy

Item Two
(I can rarely find shoes at thrift stores in my size...much less cute ones.)
(EDIT: I just found these boots online at rack room...they cost $60.00....I payed $3.50)

Item Three
A frame from Target that I've wanted for a few months...but never wanted to spend a bunch of money to get it. (I got this one for 99 cents...YES!)

Item Four.
Super legit chalkboard. I've seriously wanted something like this for ages.

Grand Total:

Epic win.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Decision = Made.

I've finally picked the dorm that I'm staying in next year (Technically, I can say next SEMESTER now...this is so strange).

The winner is...SUSIE!

Yep. This time next year, I'll be living in the smaller dorm on the right.
Although I haven't received my acceptance letter yet, I should be hearing back from the school in a week or so.

Praying for an awesome roommate :D

Monday, December 27, 2010

80's FTW.

Tonight, I decided to look through some boxes of my moms old clothes from the 80's.
Yay for shoulder pads!

PS. Did I mention that I got a tattoo?

(No worries. It's a literal sleeve. I bought it for a dollar at Party City! Haha...oh goodness.)

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Walking in a Winter Wonderland....

Honestly, I don't feel like writing at the moment (surprise, I know).
However, I did want to share some pictures from my (almost) white Christmas.

Love y'all! Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

153 Days.

One hundred fifty-three days. That's how many days there are until I move out of my house and go out on my own.

After that point, the chances of me living with my parents ever again are slim. Although this idea is exciting, it's extremely terrifying. For the next four years of my life, I'll be living in a small dorm room with a roommate. I have never had to share a room with someone before (for more than a week or so). Sadly, since I'm an only child (and home schooled), socialization hasn't opened quite as many doors. In a few months, I'll be thrown into an atmosphere where I'm around people 24/7. Although I don't feel unprepared, I am curious to see how the first few months play out.

I know my blog sounds like a broken record sometimes...but it's all good.

Music for your Thursday (because Mondays are overrated).

My friend shared this with me over facebook last night.
It has been on repeat for about an hour now.
Love it.
This is me holding my first college acceptance letter!

(However, it's the third college on my list.)

Sunday, December 12, 2010


And...oh yeah...SNOW!
It's snowing outside RIGHT NOW!

(This is a very sad excuse for a blog post...but I'M SO EXCITED!!)

OCD People be Warned...

Last night, I had a moment of insanity and decided that I absolutely NEEDED to cut my bangs. Now they're uneven and I'm scared to chop at them any more.
Ah well. I can just say that it's me trying to express my "individuality?"


Love y'all!

Friday, December 10, 2010

One Thing Remains...

We sang this at my youth group on wednesday. Since then, it's been stuck in my head and I've been singing it constantly. Although it usually annoys me when a song is stuck in my head for a long amount of time, for some reason, I can't get sick of this song.

Such fantastic lyrics.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

A song I'm working on...

For those of you who don't know, I am currently working on getting things in order to where I can move to Texas next summer. Although I'll only be staying there for a month and a half, the reality is setting in that I'll have to support myself. This means booking photography jobs so I can have cashflow, finding places to live, and finding out how in the world I'm going to live on my own. Don't get me wrong, I'm completely excited about moving back home, but I'm starting to realize that I'll miss my church family. I've gotten to be very close with quite a few people...and I'm now realizing that I'll really only be able to see them once or twice a year from this point on. The reality of approaching adulthood is finally setting in. When I was having this realization a couple of nights ago, I just started writing. This is what happened to come out. I wrote and recorded this song within about 30 minutes. It's poorly written and the melody has quite a few issues (as in, I don't exactly have one it's extremely pitchy...oops.), but it's a learning process.


I'm going out on my own
Leaving the place I once called home
I'm running away and never turning back
But I promise I won't forget you

I'll remember to send you a postcard when I reach Texas
I'll smell the smells and see the sights and let you know I'm doing well
No worries will hold me back now
and I'll be thinking - thinking of you

It's been a year since I left my hometown
We lost touch and I don't know how you're holding out
I've grown up and learned some lessons along the way
but now I'm ready to move on once again

I'll remember to send you a postcard when I reach Texas
I'll smell the smells and see the sights and let you know I'm doing well
No worries will hold me back now
and I'll be thinking - thinking of you"

It's been five years since I saw you last
We've both grown up and forgotten our past
Life had a way of working out for the best
I can honestly say I have no regrets

but I'll remember to send you a postcard when I reach Texas
I will smell the smells and see the sights and let you know I'm doing well
no worries will hold me back now
and I will be thinking - I will be thinking - of you

Thursday, November 25, 2010

The Cliche List

It's now time for the cliche "Thanksgiving post".
Here is a simple list of things that I'm thankful for.

1. The smell of coffee in the morning.
This is most definitely my favorite way to wake up.

2. People watching.
Although this may be a creepy thing to be thankful for, it certainly makes me happy. I love to watch complete strangers converse and interact. It's also pretty fun to guess who they are and what they're saying. (I definitely mean this in the least creepy way possible).

3. Traveling.
Exploring new sights and smells. I absolutely love it. However, I've discovered that I hate traveling alone. Most of the fun comes from the company that you share the sights with!

4. Printed pictures.
In today's digital world, most of us hardly print out physical copies of pictures. Photo sharing has become so easy because of websites such as facebook and flickr. However, holding an actual picture in your hand brings a whole different experience to the table. I just love it.

5. Candles.
Sadly, my mom and I share a very different taste in candles. She loves the tree scented type candles...where as I love the sweeter smelling candles. I really wouldn't mind the tree scented candles if it didn't remind me of allergies (that may sound strange...but trust really does make complete sense.)

6. My Church.
I absolutely love the atmosphere of my church. Ever since I moved to North Carolina, I've never really felt at home. However, when I'm at my church, I feel at home! I wish I had more words to describe what I actually mean...but the turkey is beginning to set in (making it very hard to stay awake right now...much less write well-formed sentences.)

7. The ladybug that is currently flying three inches away from my face.
Just kidding. It's quite annoying, actually.

8. Music.
Although this seems to be on almost every "what I'm thankful for" list, I really do love it. I love the way music can play with emotions through a series of melodies, harmonies, and rhythm. It's simply fantastic.

Although there are several more things I'm thankful for, I've decided not to list them all...yet. Earlier today, I was thinking about how everyone's thankfulness meters (yes, they exist) go through the roof on this one day in the year. It got me thinking - why aren't we this thankful every day of the year? Now, I'm not saying that I'm going to be blogging daily about things I'm thankful for, but I'm definitely going to post these lists quite often.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone :)


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Random Fact.

When I'm frustrated with something, I organize things.
Tonight, this involves fully reorganizing my room and attempting to redecorate.

Bring it.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A little video I put together...

Here's a video of random clips from my year so far!
(This is what happens when I have hours to kill while riding in a car).

I hate how shaky a ton of these shots are.
Ah well.

On Dreaming...

Have you ever had a dream where you wake up and think, "what in the world?!"
Yep. I had one of those dreams last night. Ever since I started taking my allergy medicine, my dreams have gotten progressively weirder and weirder.

In this dream, I was in college. However, my whole extended family decided to move into the dorm with me. Although I love my extended family, it would be quite a lot of people in an already tiny dorm room. On top of that, I also had a roommate. For some reason, I could never remember her name. It was quite stressful.
Shortly after I moved in, I met up with some friends from Texas (who were also attending the college) and we decided to start a band.

There were three of us:

I used my supreme beatboxing skillz,
My friend played the cowbell,
and my other friend played the trumpet.

It was quite epic.
For our first show (because we only had to practice once before playing a show...realistic, I know), we went to the Chick-Fil-A on campus and created beautiful music for everyone who walked in.

The dream continued to get progressively weirder...but I need to get back to school.

So long...farewell...Ican'tspellthiswordbutitisawayofsayingbyeinanotherlanguage goodbye!

Friday, November 12, 2010

A Million Miles to Go (Part Dos!)

Although I know some of you were worried (except not), I actually did make it to our destination last night! After walking into the building where they were holding victory meeting (, I realized that I saw someone I knew.

This is Mikayla.
I have known this awesome girl since we were both toddlers. Sadly, her family moved away when we were younger. Since then, the only time we get to see each other is in the summer.
So you can imagine my surprise when I walk in and see her standing on the other side of the room.

I might have freaked out a bit.
Within the 5 or so minutes after that, about 7 or so people from my past (people from Texas) kept popping up and hugging me. It was so strange...but honestly, I was the happiest I've been in a while. I love all of these people so much.

After the unexpected reunion, I finally got to meet my friend, Elena.

Meet Elena.
We actually met over twitter a couple of weeks ago (through the ORU twitter)!
Shortly after exchanging a few tweets, we became friends on facebook. That's when we realized that we were basically the same person.
Then, after chatting back and forth via wall posts, we realized we were actually going to be at the same meetings this weekend.
Crazy, right?
(Please say you noticed my mom's's fantastic.)

I can't wait to see what adventures are in store for today!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

A Million Miles to Go

It feels like I've been in the car for about 17 days...even though it's only been about 8 hours.

Meet Gibbs.
Ever since Gibbs made the long trek from IKEA to my house, we have been
the bestestest of friends.
(He makes a good pillow on road trips as well.)

This is my, "oh-my-gosh-if-I-don't-see-civilization-soon-I'm-going-to-cry" picture.
Don't get me wrong - I love road trips. However, I do not love my mom's choice in books on tape. How many murders can a fabulous detective solve??
Apparently, there is no limit.

Mr. GPS says there's only 30 minutes left until we arrive at our destination.
Thank the Lord.

Anywho. Remember that suitcase that I forgot to pack?
Well, I found out that mom stole my suitcase for this I got to pack the giant suitcase. Ick!

Basically, I just dumped my wardrobe in the suitcase and called it a night. I have no idea what is currently packed and what I left at home.

Yay for adventures!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Almost forgot...

Homework: check.
Photos sent to clients: check.
Time for bed: definite check.

Wait. Aren't I forgetting something?

Dear Charis,
Don't you remember that 6 day trip that you're leaving for tomorrow?
Yeah. You still haven't packed. It's 11:30.
Stop blogging and pack that suitcase.

Nostalgia of Sorts

WARNING: This post may not make any sense.

Last night, I had a dream I was back in Guatemala. However, instead of the dream being a new, fictional experience (if that makes sense), it was simply a memory. Instantly, I was back in 2008 at one of the many Guatemalan schools we visited. This particular one was in a cornfield. Have you ever had a dream where you knew it was a real memory, and you knew something important was going to happen within that memory, but you couldn't remember what was going to happen next? (If that previous sentence made any sense to are awesome.) That's basically what was happening to me. We had been driving for a good 45 minutes before we pulled off the road and parked beside a cornfield. After a few moments of confusion, we finally realized that there was a school the middle of the cornfield. Once we made it to the middle, the only structure that we could see was a little shack with a metal roof. The kids had all pulled their desk chairs out of the shack so they could watch us perform dramas. They all seemed so happy and upbeat - completely the opposite of what you would originally think after seeing their conditions. During the dramas, they were all so intently focused on every single move we made. When we finished, the missions team split up into our little groups...and then we went around to talk to the kids. This is when (in my dream) I remembered what was going to happen next. My group went up to a group of three smiling children. After the introductions, we asked them if they had asked Jesus in their hearts. After they said no, we continued to lead them in prayer...then they accepted Jesus! Before we left, I asked them if they needed prayer for anything. One little boy said that his hand was we prayed. The little girl said she had a we prayed. However, when we got to the last little boy, he asked if we could pray for his parents to come back and love him again. Apparently, his parents had left when he was a toddler...and he just wanted them to come get him. This was the first time I cried in Guatemala. It was at that moment when I saw how much we really take things for granted. These children were so happy - despite the fact that they had nothing. They were so thankful for every little thing that they had. And yet we are so quick to complain about little things that go wrong in our day to day lives?

Oh goodness.

I miss those kids so much. I wish I could have brought them all home with me.
It really makes me wonder what they're all doing right this very second. Just because I left does not mean that their lives were put on pause (I definitely found this out when I went back to Texas this past in the world do people grow up SO fast?).

I guess I'll find out someday.

From my trip to Guatemala in the summer of 2009.
Oh goodness. I miss them all.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

This is a Clever Post Title.

As my final fall semester as a high school student comes to a close, it's kind of hard to believe how fast the time as gone. Sure, those all nighters seemed strenuous and never ending, but all in all, time has flown. A few days ago, I submitted my final application to the college I want to attend next year. Since then, checking the mail has become an exciting/ nerve-racking activity (despite the fact I won't receive a notification letter for at least another few weeks).

(insert really clever transitional sentence here.)

This thursday, I'm going to Virginia with mi madre! While we're there, we're going to (partially) attend a Victory Campaign. In all of the years that I've gone to these conventions, I've never actually been to an adult service. I started going when I was five...but I would always go to superkids (the super cool childrens service...500+ kids in one room...fantastic!). Then, after I graduated from superkids in 6th grade, I started working on the team that makes superkids happen. Everything from skits, worship, name it! However, in my 13 years of attending, I had never even been in the adult service (except for escorting kids to their parents occasionally).

This will be a strange experience.

While we're in Virginia, we're also going to be tourists and go explore Washington DC. How exciting. We leave Virginia on Sunday...however, we're not coming home....we're going to NEW YORK CITY! I've only been there once before - early September 2001. Because I was young, I don't remember much about the trip (aside from the HUGE McDonalds in Times Square).

So if you have ever been to Washington DC or NYC, could you comment and leave some suggestions of what I should see while I'm there? Gracias mi amigos (or amigas)!

(ALSO: I will definitely be making a road trip artsy fartsy music video...what song should I use? Suggestions?)

happy things of the day:

Confession: Since my allergies have been rather bothersome, I've spent my day looking at marvelous things like these while listening to pretty music. However, this means I'm behind on my school/ work/ packing. I'm a master procrastinator sometimes.

Monday, November 8, 2010

The Creature

A video that my friend Abby and I made with some friends for my British Lit class!
Enjoy :)

I'm baaaaack!

I'm back!
Yesterday, I found out that my google account had been hacked. This meant that I had no access to my email or blog...and it looked like I would never get them back.
However, everything was resolved and I'm back!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Keep Bleeding Gold

WARNING: Many spelling/ grammar fails will occur. I'm quite exhausted and I do not feel like proofreading this whole post. Enjoy!

Last week, I had the fantastic opportunity to attend the ORU college weekend. This involved staying in the dorms, attending classes, and meeting potential professors/ classmates. Once I arrived in Tulsa, I almost instantly fell in love with the city. It reminds me so much of a mix of Charlotte and Fort Worth.
After I grabbed my suitcase, I went out to the shuttle and waited for an hour. During this hour, I got to talk to some rather interesting people. They were both in their late 20's and were going to ORU for the Graduate Theology program (or something like that...I'm not completely sure). So while we were waiting on the other people to arrive, I got to talk to these two people about missions for a good hour or so. It was quite a fantastic way to begin the weekend.
Once the other group arrived, we finally were able to make our way to the ORU campus. (Side note: Tulsa drivers drive really slow.)
I finally made it to the campus at about 1:45. Shortly after that, I had to hike across campus with my suitcase to be able to check in (albeit...the campus is pretty small).
After I dropped off my suitcase at the dorms, I realized that I had a good 3 and a half hours to I awkwardly walked around campus the entire time. How exciting.
After the three hours were up, I headed back to the chapel for dorm assignments. However, college weekenders (as the called us) were not split up by dorm, but also split up by two colors.

Blue and gold.

Little did I know that this seemingly small detail would turn into a pretty big deal. I'll get to that in a second.


I wish I would have been journaling during this whole experience, because I hardly remember the first day. This may be due to the fact that I only got 2 hours of sleep and was running on 4 shots of espresso...but it's all good.
That night, the college held an event called "ORU's Got Talent". The purpose of this event was to showcase some of the talented students that attend ORU (pretty self explanatory). The event showcased everything from beautiful music, to magic tricks. It was quite fantastic. Sadly, no one sang any veggie tales songs. This might change in the future.

Later that night when it was time to sleep, I had two major realizations.

1. ORU has very uncomfortable floors.
2. Sleeping on the floor beside a window when it's 30 degrees outside is not a good idea.

Enough said. Moving on.
The next day, I woke up early and took a walk around campus (after grabbing some coffee at Hava Java, of course). Everything is so gorgeous in the morning right after the sun rises. I just wish I was more of a morning person so I could enjoy it more. However, the freezing temperatures woke me up quickly. After grabbing a bite to eat at SAGA (a rather epic name for a cafeteria if you ask me), I headed to my first class...psychology. For those of you who don't know, I am highly considering minoring in psychology. It has always been interesting to me...but considering you can't do much with a major in psychology without going on for your masters, I decided minoring in it would be a better option. Anywho. Later on in the day, I got the chance to attend chapel at ORU and the chance to hear James Robison speak. It was quite fantastic.

After chapel, I grabbed lunch and headed to my next class...a theatre class. Once again, for those of you who don't know...I'm interested in being a DTF major next fall:


The class I visited was fantastic. We got the chance to watch two students rehearse a scene from the play Proof (which I've studied in a previous class...huzzah!) After the class, the professor told everyone about a theatre scholarship audition that would be happening about an hour and a half after that class. Honestly, I'm not the best actress...nor do I plan on ever being an amazing actress...but I figured that I had nothing to lose. So after class, I asked the professor if she had any scenes or monologues that I could use for a cold reading...she handed me Proof. SCORE. So I skipped my next class and went back to the dorms to rehearse. I sat down in the common area on my floor (at the dorms) and called my mom to tell her about it. Apparently, one of the other weekenders happened to overhear me and asked if there was anything she could do to help. Of course, I was extremely excited about this so I accepted. After I felt adequately prepared (well, as adequate as I can feel for a last minute scholarship audition), we went and got smoothies and talked for a little while. Her name was Mimi and I have yet to find her on facebook (epically sad face).
When time was up, I headed to the giant golf ball for my audition.

As I watched other people talk about the numerous school productions that they have been in, I began to get a bit discouraged. As a homeschooler, many doors are closed in the world of theatre. Yes, I can put on little shows for my parents as many times as I want, but those kind of stopped being cute when I was five. When it was finally my turn to audition, I felt quite inadequate...but surprisingly...not nervous at all. I went up and met the two department heads and was my generally cheerful self and things seemed to go pretty well...until the professor that handed me the scene to work on earlier decided to surprise me with a new monologue. Yay.
I had one minute to review the monologue before I presented it to the professors. Frustration.
I couldn't accurately read their reactions...but it's all good! Yes, It would be fantastic to get a scholarship (considering I'll need a pretty big one to be able to attend ORU), but I'm honestly pretty relaxed about the whole situation. Sadly, I won't find out how I did until the spring.

Later that night, the weekenders had the chance to attend the men's basketball scrimmage. Although I'm not a huge fan of sports, I must admit that I love going to actual games. It's quite fun if you're with the right people!

A little while into the game, the mascot started walking through the crowd. My friend Olivia and I decided we really wanted a picture with what did we do? We yelled, "HEY EAGLE!!" at the top of our lungs...mostly because we had no idea what the name of the mascot was (now we know his name is Eli). It was quite funny/ a tad embarrassing at the time, but we got the picture! VICTORY!

After about 30 minutes, we all (the gold team) left the game. This is where things start to get interesting.

Two words. Color wars.

Each team came up with a drama and a few team chants. It was quite exciting.
Especially if you consider the fact that I've been homeschooled all of my life and have never been able to really do the whole "school spirit" thing. Exciting.
At the end of the night, the judges decided it was a tie. Lame.

After returning to the dorms, I met up with Olivia and we went to a random dorm that happened to have karaoke. This was basically one of the highlights of my weekend.

After singing way too many Jesse McCartney and Britney Spears songs, I finally made my way back to my dorm floor.
However, I did not want to sleep on the floor I headed out to the common area one last time. There, I met another lovely friend, Carmen. We talked about random things until about 3 am...which is when we decided that sleeping on the couches in the common area would be way more comfortable than sleeping on the floor. So that's exactly what we did.

The final day was a sad day. I really hate saying goodbyes. Not only did I meet some pretty cool people, I got to hang out with some old Texas friends that I've missed! Ah well. It's all good.

All in all, it was a fantastic weekend. My complete lack of blogging skills fail to show how truly awesome it really was.

I definitely know where I want to attend college next fall!

Anyway...I'm going to go catch up on some sleep now.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Cafe's

These two lovely ladies helped me shoot this video today!
From planning session to the final export, it only took about 2 hours. New record? Most definitely!

Thanks so much to Ferris and Caroline :)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Elderly Encounters

This morning, I ventured out to Panera to work on some school. I ended up staying there until about 8:30 I've met some pretty interesting people.
The first person I met was an elderly man. Shortly after I arrived, I realized my computer battery was about to die. After looking around the entire dining area, I finally found an empty outlet on the opposite side of the restaurant. So I cleaned up my table and started the trek. This feat would have been accomplished faster if it wasn't for the laptop bag, purse, and multiple text books that I had to carry. All in all, I took about three trips back and forth. Apparently, an elderly man had been observing this whole adventure. After looking at me for a second, he finally said, "now why did you go and do that??"
I responded by explaining that my computer battery was running low and I needed to plug it in before it died. He paused for another minute and then said, "You know what doesn't run out of battery? A number two pencil! It never failed me in my 67 years of living and it will never fail me...ever!"
The second (though not so fantastic) encounter was with two elderly ladies sitting at the table across from me. I had an extremely coordinated (sarcasm) moment earlier and spilled my entire drink on my jeans. The two ladies (in their late 60's) continued to laugh like a couple of middle school girls. That sight alone was almost more hilarious than my little moment of sheer awesomeness. Ahem.
Anywho. I know I've taken a picture of this exact mug before (in fact, I believe it was during my previous 365 project), but unless you can find a rule book that says that you cannot photograph the same subject twice, you will have to deal :)


Monday, October 18, 2010

Day Tres.

It's day three and I'm already running out of ideas. This project isn't looking like it's going to work. Ah well. I'll stick with it as long as I possibly can.
Life is pretty insane at the moment. I have insane amounts of homework and regular work to get done.

This girl is ready to graduate.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Definitely not my best "work", but it brings back good memories.
Today was fairly normal. I worked in the toddlers classroom at church after not helping in a while. Upon arrival, I realized things would be completely different. Most of the children I used to take care of during service time have graduated to an older class. It was a very strange experience.
After service, I decided to take a quick (or not so quick) trip to Ikea. Although I didn't buy anything, I did walk through the lovely store and day dream a bit! I cannot wait to get an apartment one day. So many ideas for different rooms and designs are stuck in my head.


Saturday, October 16, 2010

365 - Take Two

I attempted the dreaded 365 project a few months ago. Sadly, I gave up about a month into it.

However, I've decided to attempt this project once more. Starting today.
The top picture is my first official picture.


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Sunday, October 3, 2010


My friend Sarah and I have recently made a tradition of stargazing. Whether it's on a sidewalk in a shopping center, or in the backyard on a freezing October night - it's equally as fun. Sometimes, staring at the stars for so long is scary. This universe is ginormous, it's hard to believe that we're actually living in it. Each star is in its own place. Each little detail is so beautifully planned out. As we were stargazing, I happened to think of a verse.

"He determines the number of the stars
and calls them each by name." -Psalms 147:4 (NLT)

I couldn't help but smile.

There are so many stars - we can't even see them all - but God calls them each by their own name. Have you ever just stepped back and taken a look at life? We all have separate lives. We all take different paths. We all live out our own adventures each day. And yet, the sky stays there, the same as it has always been. Each star with its own name and place. In the same way, we have all been named. Not just in the literal sense, but in the sense that we all have a plan for our life that's just waiting to be lived out!

Needless to say, I'm pretty floored at the moment.

Take some time to stargaze tonight. You won't regret it.

(Unless it's raining. Then you might possibly regret it a bit.)

Thursday, September 30, 2010


Okay, so this wasn't made completely out of boredom.
I could either do this, or I could work on the piles of homework waiting to be done.
Hmm...hard decision.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Indoor Roller Coaster.

Have you ever felt like there's no right answer? That's kind of the way I'm feeling right now. At the moment, I'm in the season of college applications and exploration. There are so many options to choose from when it comes to college. Honestly, I have no idea what I want to do with my life. Although most people jump to photography when they ask what I want to do, I just cannot see myself being happy with just running a photography business. Yes, I like photography, but I do not want to be forced to do it as a job.

This is where I'm stuck.

What do I do? Do I go to a college where I know I'll be successful...but unhappy? Or a college where I'll be happy, but I'll have no idea what I'm doing? Obviously, I'm going to go with the happy option.

Next question. What truly makes me happy? This is the one question I've been struggling with. What do I love to do that I could translate into a business/ career option? If only we could all become musicians and tour the world. That would be fantastic.

So many choices. So little time.
Application due dates are quickly approaching.
It kind of feels like I'm on one of those indoor roller coasters where it's completely dark.
I know I'm on a roller coaster (aka - applying for colleges), but I have no idea where I'm going.
God has an adventure planned...I can hardly wait to see what happens next.

(end scatter-brained blog).

Monday, September 20, 2010

Oh, Guatemala.

A few minutes ago, I decided to go creepin' through photos on facebook. I happened to come across the fan page for the organization that organized (how redundant) the Guatemala trip I went on last year.

I miss my teammates and the children we ministered to.
So very much.

In fact, I'm trying to organize a small trip that would take place in December. Would anyone (over the age of 15) be interested in joining me?

The trip would involve working with Operation Shoebox to help hand out boxes to kids in need.
Let me know if you want more information!


Monday, September 6, 2010

Matthews Alive

I just got back from Matthews Alive - a seemingly small carnival that I thought would be fun and a bit peaceful.

oh my goodness was I wrong.

After driving around the itty bitty town for 12 minutes looking for parking, I finally gave up and parked way down the road at some insurance place (I’m not a fan of parking somewhere where I’ll have to wait a long time to back out). Because I don’t really have a lot of friends in the area, I decided to embark on this adventure by myself. So I grabbed my camera and my ipod and started walking towards the town. First off, the small town I believed only had about 90 inhabitants seemed to explode with people. It was hard to walk anywhere without bumping into people (especially if you’re awkward and socially challenged at times…like me). First, I headed towards the library. Tons of old cars were parked everywhere. An old, creepy man came up to me and offered to buy me one if I would have lunch with him. I declined. Do I look that ignorant?

Shortly after I bumped into the man, I moved on towards the heart of the carnival - the rides. Honestly, I didn’t want to spend any money on cheap carnival rides, so I just walked around for a while while I listened to The Civil Wars playing on my ipod. It’s very strange to walk around these events by yourself. Sometimes, you get so involved in the energy of everything that you forget there are a ton of people around you. Then, there are other times where you almost trip and feel like there are about 15,000 people watching you. It’s quite the experience.

MY FAVORITE PART (other than being asked out by a gross old man) - The music. I love live music…even if I don’t understand the lyrics. The last band to play this weekend was some band from Puerto Rico. Even though I had no idea what they were saying, the beat was fantastic.

Now I’m sitting in starbucks attempting to work on school. My usual study spot (Panera) closed as soon as I got there. It made me extremely sad.


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Defining Love

Love cares more for others than for self.
Love doesn't want what it doesn't have.
Love doesn't strut,
Doesn't have a swelled head,
Doesn't force itself on others,
Isn't always "me first,"
Doesn't fly off the handle,
Doesn't keep score of the sins of others,
Doesn't revel when others grovel,
Takes pleasure in the flowering of truth,
Puts up with anything,
Trusts God always,
Always looks for the best,
Never looks back,
But keeps going to the end.

Love Never Fails
1 Corinthians 13:4-8

"So this is my prayer: that your love will flourish and that you will not only love much but well. Learn to love appropriately. You need to use your head and test your feelings so that your love is sincere and intelligent, not sentimental gush. Live a lover's life, circumspect and exemplary, a life Jesus will be proud of: bountiful in fruits from the soul, making Jesus Christ attractive to all, getting everyone involved in the glory and praise of God."
- Philippians 1:9-11 (The Message)

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Monday, August 30, 2010

Darling, so it goes...

Tonight, I've been looking through old photo albums on facebook. Reminiscing over past memories really made me see how much change and growth I've gone through in the past few years.

Summer 2008
This is honestly my favorite picture. Ever. It was taken at the last school we visited while in Guatemala. These kids had very little, but were so thankful for what they had. Their hearts were so open to anything and everything. They had so little, but they made up for it in love. It goes on to prove just how much love is needed in this world. For some, it's all they have. And yet, they remain happy. I always smile when I think of these kids. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about them and pray for them. Before I went to Guatemala, I was always told it would change my life. Honestly, I didn't see how until about a month or two after I got home. The two weeks we spent in Xela went by so fast that I couldn't quite process it. Things still will randomly remind me of the trip, and I can't help but thank God for the experience I had. I love these kids and I always will.

Summer 2009
This was taken last year in Guatemala. Once again, it was one of our last nights. I absolutely love these people. Over the process of that week, I gained a new family. This year, instead of staying on the ministry campus like we had the previous year, we went to a small town a few hours away from that main campus. During the three days we were there, we stayed at a small church that had opened their doors to let us stay. The common area where we ate and met didn't even have a roof. In fact, the area wasn't secure hardly at all. We discovered this when we awoke to a stray dog peeking in to where we were sleeping. It was quite a confusing way to wake up. Because of the swine flu, we were not able to visit schools due to them being shut down. So instead of going to different schools and doing dramas, we went to public parks. This was a very different atmosphere. Because we were working with children as well as adults, not everyone was so accepting to the beliefs we were sharing. But regardless of that fact, so many lives were changed. Including mine.

Summer 2010
Although this picture does not exactly show anything super exciting, it kind of describes a small part of my life at the moment. This picture was taken on saturday at UNCG. Although I don't want to attend UNCG next fall, it does (in a way) represent a bit of change going on in my life. One of my dear friends (Sarah) just started going there. It's been a definite change, but it's also opened my eyes to the fact that I'll be in college in less than a year. College has always been one of those things that has seemed to be way off in my future. In reality (a place I'm not too fond of sometimes), it's not. I'm going to be becoming my own person. I will no longer live under my parents roof. I will, essentally, be free.
Very strange.

With that being said, I'm excited about my future. To see where God has taken me in the past few years, makes me wonder where I'll be this time next year.

I'm excited for this grand adventure.

Friday, August 27, 2010

"Here's your challenge..."

Tonight, I visited a youth group run by old teammates from Guatemala.
For praise and worship, they just played music off of CD's and lowered the lights. At first, I thought it might be awkward. I was proven wrong.

Instantly, quite a few of the youth entered into worship and the whole feel of the room changed. I felt more into worship with just those CD's playing than I have with a whole band playing.

Recently, I've been praying about God giving me new challenges. Little did I know, I would get a pretty good one tonight. First off, I'm praising God and just having a fantastic time in his presence. Then I hear a little voice say, "are you ready?"

Next thing I know, I'm stepping up on stage with a microphone.
I honestly still have no idea how I got from just praising God, to being up on stage. Then, I heard an almost audible voice say, "here's your challenge".

Without hesitation, I started saying everything God had put on my heart. I preached to a youth group for about 5 minutes. I was more in my element than I have been in years.

Where did it all come from? Definitely not my brain. If you've ever talked to me in person, you know that I stutter quite a bit (or talk really fast). Did I stutter up on stage? Not a bit.

It was all God. This is all still processing, but I thought I would share a little taste of my night!

Saturday, August 21, 2010