Monday, August 8, 2011


I did it. I made it to college.
After four years of continuous studying and work to try and get here, I've finally made it. Now that I think about, the thing that I've been working more work. We go through high school with the goal of being accepted to a good college, and we work hard in college so that we can get a good job. Then, we work hard at the said job so that we can be promoted and have even more work. It's in thinking about this that I've finally realized something. Most of the fun in life isn't just about the rewards we get at the end of each task, but the adventures that you have while growing and being challenged to excel.

These next 4 years are going to be challenging...but they're definitely going to be an adventure.

To be honest, the only reason I'm blogging at the moment is because I'm procrastinating all of the unpacking that I have leftover. Dislike.