Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Elderly Encounters

This morning, I ventured out to Panera to work on some school. I ended up staying there until about 8:30 tonight...so I've met some pretty interesting people.
The first person I met was an elderly man. Shortly after I arrived, I realized my computer battery was about to die. After looking around the entire dining area, I finally found an empty outlet on the opposite side of the restaurant. So I cleaned up my table and started the trek. This feat would have been accomplished faster if it wasn't for the laptop bag, purse, and multiple text books that I had to carry. All in all, I took about three trips back and forth. Apparently, an elderly man had been observing this whole adventure. After looking at me for a second, he finally said, "now why did you go and do that??"
I responded by explaining that my computer battery was running low and I needed to plug it in before it died. He paused for another minute and then said, "You know what doesn't run out of battery? A number two pencil! It never failed me in my 67 years of living and it will never fail me...ever!"
The second (though not so fantastic) encounter was with two elderly ladies sitting at the table across from me. I had an extremely coordinated (sarcasm) moment earlier and spilled my entire drink on my jeans. The two ladies (in their late 60's) continued to laugh like a couple of middle school girls. That sight alone was almost more hilarious than my little moment of sheer awesomeness. Ahem.
Anywho. I know I've taken a picture of this exact mug before (in fact, I believe it was during my previous 365 project), but unless you can find a rule book that says that you cannot photograph the same subject twice, you will have to deal :)


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