Hello there, neglected blog! How's life? We should get coffee and catch up sometime.
insert interesting and witty segway here.
Thirty-six days until I leave! Can you believe it? I'll be moving out of my house in a little over a month. My mind is officially blown. As the moving day draws near, my stomach is beginning to get more and more butterflies. It's not so much the going to Texas part of the situation as much as it is leaving home. Home. Charlotte has officially become my home.
A few months ago, if you would have asked me where I considered my home to be, I would have told you Texas - hands down. Apparently, the tables have turned. So much that I'm actually considering coming back sooner than I had originally thought. However, I'm going to keep those plans off of my blog for now. I'll keep you updated as actual things begin to happen, but I wouldn't expect that for another few months.
Goodness gracious. This blog is such a broken record.
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