Thursday, November 25, 2010

The Cliche List

It's now time for the cliche "Thanksgiving post".
Here is a simple list of things that I'm thankful for.

1. The smell of coffee in the morning.
This is most definitely my favorite way to wake up.

2. People watching.
Although this may be a creepy thing to be thankful for, it certainly makes me happy. I love to watch complete strangers converse and interact. It's also pretty fun to guess who they are and what they're saying. (I definitely mean this in the least creepy way possible).

3. Traveling.
Exploring new sights and smells. I absolutely love it. However, I've discovered that I hate traveling alone. Most of the fun comes from the company that you share the sights with!

4. Printed pictures.
In today's digital world, most of us hardly print out physical copies of pictures. Photo sharing has become so easy because of websites such as facebook and flickr. However, holding an actual picture in your hand brings a whole different experience to the table. I just love it.

5. Candles.
Sadly, my mom and I share a very different taste in candles. She loves the tree scented type candles...where as I love the sweeter smelling candles. I really wouldn't mind the tree scented candles if it didn't remind me of allergies (that may sound strange...but trust really does make complete sense.)

6. My Church.
I absolutely love the atmosphere of my church. Ever since I moved to North Carolina, I've never really felt at home. However, when I'm at my church, I feel at home! I wish I had more words to describe what I actually mean...but the turkey is beginning to set in (making it very hard to stay awake right now...much less write well-formed sentences.)

7. The ladybug that is currently flying three inches away from my face.
Just kidding. It's quite annoying, actually.

8. Music.
Although this seems to be on almost every "what I'm thankful for" list, I really do love it. I love the way music can play with emotions through a series of melodies, harmonies, and rhythm. It's simply fantastic.

Although there are several more things I'm thankful for, I've decided not to list them all...yet. Earlier today, I was thinking about how everyone's thankfulness meters (yes, they exist) go through the roof on this one day in the year. It got me thinking - why aren't we this thankful every day of the year? Now, I'm not saying that I'm going to be blogging daily about things I'm thankful for, but I'm definitely going to post these lists quite often.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone :)


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