Friday, November 12, 2010

A Million Miles to Go (Part Dos!)

Although I know some of you were worried (except not), I actually did make it to our destination last night! After walking into the building where they were holding victory meeting (, I realized that I saw someone I knew.

This is Mikayla.
I have known this awesome girl since we were both toddlers. Sadly, her family moved away when we were younger. Since then, the only time we get to see each other is in the summer.
So you can imagine my surprise when I walk in and see her standing on the other side of the room.

I might have freaked out a bit.
Within the 5 or so minutes after that, about 7 or so people from my past (people from Texas) kept popping up and hugging me. It was so strange...but honestly, I was the happiest I've been in a while. I love all of these people so much.

After the unexpected reunion, I finally got to meet my friend, Elena.

Meet Elena.
We actually met over twitter a couple of weeks ago (through the ORU twitter)!
Shortly after exchanging a few tweets, we became friends on facebook. That's when we realized that we were basically the same person.
Then, after chatting back and forth via wall posts, we realized we were actually going to be at the same meetings this weekend.
Crazy, right?
(Please say you noticed my mom's's fantastic.)

I can't wait to see what adventures are in store for today!

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